by jessica kirby

Tag: sunday morning musings

sunday morning musings (036)

Had the latest issue of NY Magazine in my mailbox when we got home last week and the cover was absolutely chilling to me. I immediately read the cover story and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I cannot believe that things like this are ACTUALLY happening amidst a pandemic. ...

sunday morning musings (035)

Late again after I said I wouldn’t be. Siggghhh. When I say I’ve been busy, I have no idea what I’ve been busy with. But I am. I swear. This is the first year in FOREVER that I am ahead of schedule for my yearly Goodreads challenge. Yet, I am still going to stress myself out by ...

sunday morning musings (034)

I’m in a writing slump, if you haven’t noticed. SMH! But I am trying to get back on track with my two weekly posts very, very soon. Bear with me!! I have been a busy, busy bee the last few weeks. Christmas is already taking over my whole entire brain. I am totally consumed with all the ...

sunday morning musings (032/033)

UM hi, long time no talk!! My apologies for my radio silence here the last few weeks but… we got a puppy!!!!! Well, my parents got a puppy, which means I in turn, also got a puppy. She is the cutest thing ever, as you can see. And she is amazing. Her name is Quinn and you will certainly be ...

sunday morning musings (031)

This entire week was a blur!!! In my head it’s split up into BTE and ATE – Before the Election and After the Election. Why did we not think the election would go on for DAYS with the way 2020 has been going?! Thankful to be on the other side of it FINALLY. Also, we VOTED!! …and then ...

sunday morning musings (030)

Can’t believe Sunday Morning Musings is 30 weeks old! This year is seriously just flying by. I made a couple loaves of banana bread this week and the smell of them baking in the house was an immediate flashback to March and baking banana bread like every week. I wonder if the smell of banana ...

sunday morning musings (029)

What Kind of Friend Are You, According to Meyers-Briggs. This article absolutely nailed it for me. How about you? I did a thing this week and bought a new lens for my camera. I have to say there seriously is nothing more exciting than getting new camera gear. I geek out over it so hard!!! Lately ...

sunday morning musings (028)

I SO enjoyed our rainy Monday this week. Totally embraced the gray skies and spent the day being lazy, watching YouTube and making vodka sauce for dinner. Every once in a while you just need those days, and we were certainly overdue for one. We started Friday Night Lights (my first time, Ry’s ...

sunday morning musings (027)

Went to meet with a bunch of wedding photographers with Lynds this week and am now considering changing my entire career. Not actually, but maybe?! I re-potted a bunch of my plants on Wednesday this week and it was so much more labor intensive than I ever could have imagined. There was dirt ...

sunday morning musings (026)

Ry and I fiiiiiinally got to meet his little birthday buddy/nephew this weekend and it was the BEST. After 6 months of pictures and Zoom calls, finally getting to hold him could have made my heart just explode. Congrats, ST + KT, you guys made the cutest little babe ever. I spent all my time this ...