by jessica kirby

Month: November 2020

sunday morning musings (032/033)

UM hi, long time no talk!! My apologies for my radio silence here the last few weeks but… we got a puppy!!!!! Well, my parents got a puppy, which means I in turn, also got a puppy. She is the cutest thing ever, as you can see. And she is amazing. Her name is Quinn and you will certainly be ...

sunday morning musings (031)

This entire week was a blur!!! In my head it’s split up into BTE and ATE – Before the Election and After the Election. Why did we not think the election would go on for DAYS with the way 2020 has been going?! Thankful to be on the other side of it FINALLY. Also, we VOTED!! …and then ...

october 2020 things

Happy November! Another month down and another month closer to the end of the wildest year of our lives. October was a good one! I crossed some things off the seasonal bucket list, baked a lotttttt of delicious things, and celebrated some of my favorite people. And the most exciting thing, we booked ...

sunday morning musings (030)

Can’t believe Sunday Morning Musings is 30 weeks old! This year is seriously just flying by. I made a couple loaves of banana bread this week and the smell of them baking in the house was an immediate flashback to March and baking banana bread like every week. I wonder if the smell of banana ...