1. Went to meet with a bunch of wedding photographers with Lynds this week and am now considering changing my entire career. Not actually, but maybe?!
  2. I re-potted a bunch of my plants on Wednesday this week and it was so much more labor intensive than I ever could have imagined. There was dirt everywhere, and I didn’t have a shovel so I had to use a spatula. BuT! It’s been on my to-do list for so long, it feels so GOOD to finally have done it!! Now fingers crossed my lemon tree will just TRY to grow a lemon. 🍋
  3. Who watched the debate this week? What a difference between the Presidential debate and the Vice Presidential debate – it was like night and day! I feel like I actually learned a few things during this one, and I have to say it was refreshing. Also, have to give it to the fly for a really good chuckle. Still laughing over this, and this one too. Too good.
  4. I am absolutely CRUSHED over the news that the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown is closing!! As someplace that my family has spent countless Thanksgivings and Thanksgiving Eves, it’s always held such a special place in our hearts. So many nights spent at that bar (with the BEST lemon drop martinis!) defrosting from late night Black Friday shopping and SO many laughs. We’ve celebrated so many nights there, and to see it close permanently just breaks my heart!
  5. Ry and I watched Ford v Ferrari this week. And by that I mean all week because it took us 4 days to finish the full movie. HOWEVER, it was excellent!! I know absolutely nothing about cars or racing or NASCAR but I was so invested in it. Plus it was gorgeous, visually. Loved it. Have you watched anything great recently?
  6. This song has been stuck in my head ALL WEEK! Can’t get enough of this Mile Cyrus version.
  7. For the movie I made popcorn on the stove for the first time after thinking about it all week and it is SO much better that way! Feel like I might be officially converted to stovetop.
  8. Best best best best TikTok of the week. I was DYING over this one.
  9. Requested my absentee ballot for the election this week since I won’t be on LI where I’m registered on Election Day. The last day to request an absentee ballot in NY is October 27th and you can do it here! How are you guys planning to vote? In person? By mail? Tell me!
  10. This week for football, B+L came over early and we all made dinner/dessert together. We had French dip sandwiches, homemade mashed potatoes and apple cake a la mode for dessert and it was the best Sunday! Highly recommend cooking with other people to shake things up – definitely won’t be out last potluck style football Sunday of the year.

with love, JAK