1. UM hi, long time no talk!! My apologies for my radio silence here the last few weeks but… we got a puppy!!!!! Well, my parents got a puppy, which means I in turn, also got a puppy. She is the cutest thing ever, as you can see. And she is amazing. Her name is Quinn and you will certainly be seeing a lot of her around here. A major highlight of this crazy year. Perhaps an introduction post is in order for next week?!
  2. Woke up to the news of a vaccine last Monday and although I realize there is still a long way to go, I think I took a deep breath for the first time since March. Still a long way to go, but such GOOD news.
  3. TikTok du jour. This one and this one, too.
  4. Watched Rebecca on Netflix with CH (and Coach!!) this/last week and I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but I think I actually enjoyed the movie more than the book! I know it’s a sin, with it being a classic and all. But what do we have here, if not honesty?!
  5. You GUYS!!! I went… for… a RUN (last) Wednesday. It was totally spur of the moment and unplanned, and it was amazing. I haven’t actually gone for a run in over a year because of the whole ordeal with my foot – but I finally went! I set out for just a half mile without stopping, and I ended up going the whole mile. WITH a mask on. And for my very first run in Brooklyn. I all but cried when I finished and realized how much I’d missed a leisurely jog.
  6. How are you feeling about the flu shot this year? As someone who has never regularly got one, I’m hesitant to but am feeling the pressure from, um, everyone to get one. Do you get a flu shot every year? Will you get one this year?
  7. The 2020 version of me, in a nutshell.
  8. We also watched The Undoing this weekend and it was amazing! There are only three episodes out so far, but we binged them all and totally could have watched more. Highly, highly recommend! (ty, mom!!) *New episodes air on Sunday night*
  9. Ry and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary this weekend! Seriously cannot believe that we’ve been together for 8 years, it is so mind blowing to think about. It was a very laid back day, we took a drive to the beach where we got engaged and had a special bottle of wine with dinner. Followed, of course, by a family poker game. Maybe not our most romantic anniversary, but still a very special one. 2020 is the gift that just keeps on giving 😉
  10. What’s everyones plans for Thanksgiving? It was hard to accept, but we are just doing a small dinner at home. I think I’m going to make a pie from scratch to make it feel extra special since we won’t be with our whole family this year. Maybe this apple pie or a pecan pie cheesecake! Are you making anything special in attempt to fill the void?

Wishing you a happy and, most importantly, HEALTHY Thanksgiving. Here’s to hoping for an easier one next year.

with love, jak