1. Ry and I fiiiiiinally got to meet his little birthday buddy/nephew this weekend and it was the BEST. After 6 months of pictures and Zoom calls, finally getting to hold him could have made my heart just explode. Congrats, ST + KT, you guys made the cutest little babe ever.
  2. I spent all my time this week watching and re-watching Casey Neistat’s videos on YouTube. He’s back and better than ever and I can’t get enough of it!!! Found myself way down the rabbit hole, watching all the older videos and crying in bed at 1AM. Nostalgia, man. Always makes ya want to immediately pick up a camera and make something special.
  3. What shows are you guys watching? I’ve been in the mood for a great binge-watch lately and although I probably won’t ever commit to something, I’d love your suggestions! Leave ’em for me in the comments ๐Ÿ˜˜
  4. LOVED this article on COJ this week about words that should exist in English, but don’t. I had done a photography project on this very concept in college and have been fascinated by it ever since. What things do you think we should have a word for?!
  5. That debate……….. WOOF. That’s really all I have to say about it.
  6. And in a similar vein… check out this article on how Trump’s positive COVID-19 test could possible affect the outcome of the election. As if we really needed to add another layer to this nightmare of an election. Big, big sigh.
  7. We FINALLY finished the latest installment of the Twilight series, and I have to say… I kind of hated it. Can you believe after all the build up of our book club re-read, the book was a total let down?! I can’t. I am truly in disbelief over how much I DIDN’T enjoy it. It was incredibly well written. Stephanie Meyer outdid herself with her prose in this last novel. That being said, I didn’t need this book. After nearly 700 pages, I can say that Midnight Sun really sucked the life out of me. No pun intended.
  8. I won $5 in DraftKings this weekend. So, if you need help with your Fantasy Football lineup, lmk! Kidding, I’m definitely kidding. Really did win $5 though!
  9. This TikTok was me packing myself lunch for work every single day since I graduated college. Not kidding.
  10. And lastly… WE BOOKED OUR WEDDING!!!! Yep. It’s officially official!! And it feels so surreal (in the absolute best way possible!!!!!) Now we take a deep breath and start the real planning. So, so excited!!

so many hugs,
