1. Late again after I said I wouldn’t be. Siggghhh. When I say I’ve been busy, I have no idea what I’ve been busy with. But I am. I swear.
  2. This is the first year in FOREVER that I am ahead of schedule for my yearly Goodreads challenge. Yet, I am still going to stress myself out by trying to reach 52 books by the end of the month. This is literally me, but for 2020 too.
  3. Who’s the last person left on your Christmas shopping list? Usually mine is always my Dad because he’s the hardest to shop for. But this year it’s totally different! The people who I usually have finished first are the last few people I have to get gifts for this year and I have no idea why!
  4. Mom and I binged all of The Queen’s Gambit this week and we enjoyed it! We were both glad it was only seven episodes because let’s be honest, it isn’t the most riveting show on Netflix. But I am so glad we watched it. Definitely makes me want to learn how to play chess! The 60’s decor and fashion were the best parts for me, though.
  5. We also had our annual pierogi day – the one day where we bang out all of our traditional holiday pierogis. This year we set out to make less than our usual haul since Christmas will likely be smaller – and of course ended up making more than we ever have. Over 200 pierogis later we were both completely delusional and exhausted. Having eaten nothing but potatoes all day and covered head to toe, in flour. And yet, we’ll do it all over again next year. Something about those holiday traditions that you just can’t say no to.
  6. The cutest thing I’ve seen in a while.
  7. Did anyone else see sliiiiiight flurries this week?! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked out the window and saw the first few snowflakes of the year. HOW did we get to December already?!? It will never not be mind-boggling.
  8. Feel like I have to add these confetti holiday shortbreads to my Christmas cookie list this year… something about them being bite-sized is so incredibly appealing to me I don’t know if I’ll be able to help myself!!!
  9. Guys. We bit the bullet and ordered a Peloton!!! After 6+ months of talking about it, we decided to take the plunge and really do it. And we couldn’t be more excited about it! Well, as excited as one can be about a piece of workout equipment coming in and ruining the whole vibe of your space. But alas, the concessions we make in 2020. Where are my Peloton people at?!
  10. It’s officially Christmas in apartment 202. Every year when we get the tree I forget how excited I am until it’s all lit up while we watch tv on the couch at night. There’s something so peaceful about a (warm light ONLY!!!) Christmas tree. Forever wishing we could have a giant tree with string lights in the corner all year round.

with love, jak ❤️