1. Exciting news but we are officially underway with wedding plans! Not a ton of progress has been made, but we scheduled some venue tours and are about to really get down to it! What’s your best wedding planning advice? We’re taking any you’ve got!
  2. Betcha these two have some advice! This about the oldest married couple in the world story made my day.
  3. I had an appointment in the city this week and decided to walk a bit before heading back to Brooklyn. I have to say, I have never seen so many homeless people in NYC and it absolutely broke my heart. So much worse than pre-COVID and it seemed like every park that I passed had at least five people sleeping on benches. It was so incredibly sad.
  4. Thinking back to when sourdough was the most important thing in all of our lives. Loved this piece from the Cut on why we were all so obsessed with baking bread amidst a global crisis. A distraction and a way to fill the endless days, it turns out. Funny how we didn’t really see it that way at the time!
  5. FINALLY got my film developed this week (some rolls being 2+ years old!) and it was such a treat. I always hate getting it developed because it’s so freakin’ expensive, but the payoff is so incredibly worth it. The best surprise? Almost a whole roll of Dudley pictures that I had no idea existed. Ask me how many happy tears I cried when I opened the files. You cannot even imagine.
  6. Love love loved this piece by Jerry Seinfeld on the return of New York City. LOVE to see the optimism and so worth the read! One of our last real “NY nights out” was seeing Jerry’s show at Beacon Theater in February, so reading his thoughts on how New York City WILL bounce back really hit home for me, and put the biggest smile on my face.
  7. Anyone have any great sneaker recommendations? I am in desperate need of a new pair of comfortable and cute sneakers. Preferably ones that can withstand lots of walking miles. Leave me your suggestions if you got ’em!
  8. Your horoscopes for the week a la Madam Clairevoyant!
  9. For all of you guys who were also devastated by the pool destruction, I have good news! A new liner is coming next week and we’re hoping to get a few early Fall dips before it’s time to close for summer. What do you guys see at end of summer? Is it Labor Day Weekend? September 1st? September 21st? Your first Pumpkin Latte? Another yearly landmark? Let me know!
  10. We are (were* hence the very late Sunday post) in MAINE this weekend. Finally made it and have been thoroughly enjoying the fresh air and the lobster. A full post on our long weekend of activities is coming in a few weeks! Chock full of some 35mm film πŸ˜‰

Sorry for the delayed post this week! I was enjoying every single minute of our little vacation. I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and wishing you a Happy September!

with love, JAK