Back with another “recipe” this week for my absolute favorite summertime lunch. There is truly nothing like an August tomato, only to be outdone by an August tomato sandwich. If you’re not a tomato person, I get it. I never was either. I had always plucked them off the top of my burger before adding ketchup and pushed them to the side of any salad I’ve ever eaten. Then one weekend last year, I had gone to a local farmers market at the very end of the summer with my cousin and she freaked over how amazing the tomatoes were. Not understanding the hype because I was not, in fact, A Tomato Girl™️, I walked right by them. Before we headed home, she convinced me to get one on the principle that she too, hated tomatoes before she was introduced to The August Tomato. The following week I was back for a full bag of tomatoes and have been looking forward to August ever since. Ty, KT!!! You have changed my summer lunch life for the better. 🍅

what you’ll need for my favorite variation:

  • a crusty loaf of bread
  • a perfect New Jersey tomato (or the reddest one you can find – I also like a firmer tomato)
  • arugula
  • flaky salt
  • balsamic glaze
  • fresh mozzarella (optional)

Wash and slice your tomato. I like to slice mine pretty thin, but whatever tickles your fancy here will work. Toast your bread. Lay your arugula on the toasted bread, followed by a few slices of your absolutely perfect and beautiful tomato. Give a generous (or very generous, if you’re like me) sprinkle of salt directly onto your tomato slices. Top with a light drizzle of your favorite balsamic glaze. Slice and enjoy!!!

If you’re adding cheese, I like to add it to the opposite slice of bread so it melts just a bit. I alternate between having this with cheese and without but it’s great both ways.

These are so fun to play around with and make your own. A bunch of different cheeses will work here. Shaved Parmesan would be delish, and I’m also partial to very thinly sliced Manchego! You could add some avocado. Or even add some chicken to make it a more substantial meal. And although I loathe mayo, I can see why people may like it as an addition here. Not for me, but maybe for you! While these are all great options, I think the key to the tomato sandwich is keeping it simple. Let the tomato be the star of the show here!

I promise that if you get the right tomato and make this, you’ll want to eat it for every meal until the end of summer, too. 😋

bon appetit!