1. For book club this week we read The Vanishing Half and it was really, really great. I know that it has been super hyped up all over the internet and Instagram but I would say the hype was well deserved! It was the most substantial book I’ve read in a while, and I totally recommend it. Plus, HBO already has the TV series in the works!
  2. Speaking of, I have been thinking about sprinkling in some longer form book reviews as blog posts. I always share with you guys what I read during the month in my monthly round-ups, but am wondering if anyone might be interested in seeing some more in-depth reviews from time to time? Let me know!
  3. I fell down a rabbit hole of watching resin art videos on YouTube this week and totally want to start making my own. I went into Michael’s and ended up running into the sweetest girl who told me all about how much she’s been loving working with resin these last few months! It made me even more excited to start playing around with it. Totally felt like divine intervention! Stay tuned because I’d love to add some of these little trinkets to my Etsy shop once I get the hang of it!
  4. Hurricane Isaias ruined the rest of my summer this week. Threw a tree into our pool and ripped the liner. Now the whole freakin’ thing is empty. As if we needed another reason to hate 2020, here we are!!! I am over πŸ‘ it πŸ‘all πŸ‘!!! Did any of you guys lose power from the storm this week? Hoping you’re all safe and with minimal damage!
  5. I have been craving a cosmo all week! No other cocktails have really sounded good to me lately, but an ice cold (and very light!) cosmo sounds like exactly what I’d like to drink this weekend. Thinking about trying Ina Garten’s recipe – you can never go wrong with a Barefoot Contessa recipe!
  6. We celebrated Brandon’s birthday this week with Tuesday night cupcakes and the Rangers game. Feeling more thankful than ever for having our friends so close by in our neighborhood that we can still celebrate birthdays in BK! And thankful that we are still finding ways to celebrate during this ever-questionable year.
  7. So freakin’ relatable.
  8. Finally finally FINALLY made it to Fire Island this week and it was the best day. Honestly can’t even believe that it’s been almost a full year since I’d been there!!! If we had only known how far away our next FI beach day would be when we left on LDW last year… ugh. BUT! I crossed another thing off my summer bucket list and couldn’t be happier. There is no place like Fire Island in the summer. Hoping maybe I can squeeze one more trip in before the end of the season!
  9. Have you guys seen Window Swap yet?! I stumbled across it this week and think it’s the coolest thing ever. Basically people from all over the world upload 10-minute-long footage of life from outside their window. Then the site randomly connects you to a window to watch! I have been loving getting to look out someone else’s window, as opposed to the ones I’ve been looking out of constantly for the last 6 months. Highly recommend as a way to gently scratch your travel itches during this “quarantined” time.
  10. One of my very favorite tiny people started a baking YouTube channel this week!!! Nothing made me smile quite like hearing my favorite little voice tell me exactly how to make her gluten free lemon cookies! I was lucky enough to get to sample one of them and they were absolutely delicious and definitely a crowd-pleaser. Go and check out her channel – Maisie’s Amazing Baking – it is guaranteed to make your day 😘

As always, wishing you the happiest Sunday! ✌🏻

with love, jak