In what feels like a sea of not-so-great news, this week we got word that our absolute favorite outdoor bar in Brooklyn is opening this weekend for the season! Right when we had just about given up on it and come to terms with the fact that it would probably be another year before they were able to open, they posted on Instagram that this Friday is the day. And it changed my whole entire outlook on the summer! Yes, it does seem a little silly to let something so minor feel so monumental, but in COVID-times it’s the little things that are keeping us all going. And so I am going to embrace the hell out of it!

No it won’t be the same – sitting at our corner table with masks on after Lysol-ing down (that should be a verb now) every surface within a 5-foot radius. And socially distancing from the people that we’re usually so close to that our legs have sweated together entirely – it’ll be weird. It won’t be as carefree and relaxing as it has always been in the past and we probably won’t be able to sit there for hours and hours like we’ve gotten so used to doing.

Things are certainly looking different this year, and that’s okay. If we can all just hang on to the things that make us the happiest and make the most of them, things will be looking a whole lot better. It will still be special, it its own horrible way. And it will definitely be a treat to have some little tiny glimmer of hope, some sliver of normalcy back in our lives. I, for one, can’t wait for that. I’m very much looking forward to some COVID-friendly happy hours in our favorite little outdoor space. (AND crossing a “questionable” item off the summer bucket list!)

What’s something that would absolutely MAKE your summer? Anything you are still crossing your fingers for? I’d love to hear!!

cheers, jak 🍻