1. I said to Ryan the other day that if I could do anything right now within reason and without any repercussions, it would be getting in the car and driving to Maine, eating a lobster roll and coming home. I stand firm on my choice.
  2. More scenes from your pandemic – I have been really loving this series on NY Mag. The photos are always so strong and really speak for themselves during this crazy time we are living in. Every time I see them it reminds me to take some myself.
  3. This is the first week in quarantine that I have felt really uninspired creatively. I don’t know what changed, but coming up with a post idea this week was like pulling teeth! Hoping next week is back to regularly scheduled programming.
  4. Judging by the things he can’t live without, Kevin Love and I have more in common than I could have ever imagined…
  5. Re-reading Twilight in preparation for Midnight Sun has been exactly the kind of nostalgic, teenage joy that I need in my life right now.
  6. Praise for the mid-day shower – uhm YES, I could not agree with this more. I have been living for the afternoon shower in quarantine. It splits the day up perfectly, and gives you that last push of energy you need to get through the rest of the workday. Have you been sticking to normal showering times/routines? I am totally off and loving it.
  7. Do you guys need to eat something sweet right after dinner too? I used to be a few chocolate chips while cleaning up dinner type of gal, but lately I’ve been a full piece of chocolate while still sitting in front of my finished plate of dinner kind of gal. And it’s so bad!!!
  8. Have you heard about the $91 million bitcoin pizzas? Can you IMAGINE essentially paying millions for two frozen pizzas?! I can’t get over this or the fact that the pizzas will be worth more and more every year! Poor, poor “Bitcoin Pizza Guy.”
  9. What’s on your MDW agenda? We are barbecuing, enjoying the pool, reading in the sun and playing lots of poker.
  10. Weekly reminder to subscribe (!) if you would like to get emails when new posts go up on the blog! You can do so on my homepage – on the righthand side of the browser on a computer/laptop, or by scrolling to the bottom of the page on your phone! And if you already have, I couldn’t love you more 🙂

Wishing you guys all a very happy Memorial Day Weekend! I know this is not how any of us planned to celebrate the unofficial start to summer, but we can still make the most of it. Get outside! Have a beer, eat an ice pop and let the sun soak your cheeks. Isn’t that what summer is all about anyway?

sending extra love this week, JAK