I’ve come to the conclusion that I have an extremely obsessive personality. When I get an idea in my head, it takes over every thought I have until I am totally and completely “over it.” It’s happened with so many things for me– so many things I feel I need to buy in order to satisfy this brilliant idea I have. I’ve been through phases with scrapbooking stuff, with essential oils, with makeup, skincare products, workout clothes, camera gear, film etc. You name it, and chances are I have probably been obsessed with it for a short time.

But lately, I’ve had the itch to buy myself a Leica. Now for any of you who may know what that is, you know that it’s a camera that comes with a hefty price tag. One that will probably leave me white as a ghost and eating plain toast for lunch for two months. For the last three weeks I have been doing research on Leicas, trying to decide which one I would buy, which lens, what would be best for the kind of photos I take. I’ve stalked every Instagram hashtag, read every review, every blog post and watched countless YouTube videos on all different models. I finally narrowed it down to a few cameras, and decided the best thing for me to do was to rent one from a camera gear site and see if it really is for me. Except, the problem is that I am completely in love with the thing. I have been CRAVING a trip to take pictures. I’m putting around the house taking pictures of cups of coffee and floats in the pool. I’m dying to drive straight out to Montauk for the day and go crazy taking hundreds and hundreds of pictures. I joined the LeicaQ Facebook group and have been obsessing over the photos that other people are posting. I’m editing photos in Lightroom and VSCO for the sheer fact of seeing what they look like after some post work. I am more creatively inspired than I have been in three years and I’m realizing how much I have missed this feeling.

So now the question is, do I buy it? Is the fact that my creativity has spiked to an all time high a good enough reason to shell out for a camera that I could be “over” in a few months? Only time will tell… but for now, please enjoy these photos taken this week in my backyard.
