1. THANK YOU for all the hype about the Sunday blog – I truly didn’t expect everyone to be so excited about it! But I am soooo happy to supply some more Sunday content. So without further ado, here is week 2!
  2. Anyone else been doing a whole lot of nothing lately? I swear we have spent more time on our couch in the last week than we have in months. And the days are FLYING by!! Multiple times this week Ryan and I have looked up at each other in utter disbelief that it was already 4pm (and we’d hardly moved from our spots on the couch – working of course.) There is just something about this point in time that is making life seem like such a blur and it is truly scary some days.
  3. You guys, the movers have been hired and it’s officially happening. Kinda can’t believe it. Kinda can’t believe how well I’m handling it so far. I just want to state for the record that I think I will be terrible at the emotional part of moving. I’ve never moved from anywhere after living there for more than a year and I simply can’t imagine it!! The only basis I have to go off of is moving from college apartments and feel like that is an entirely different beast. I’m already sad these are our last fews weeks in our apartment and in our little neighborhood here. I say this all after patting myself on the back for handling it well HAHA. But in all seriousness, I am so sad and so excited. The next couple of weeks are going to be a total whirlwind.
  4. This tweet had me absolutely rolling. If you do not fully understand why it’s so incredibly funny, you should be making yourself more cocktails.
  5. My book club’s pick for this month is Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult and I am (for once in my life) going to finish ahead of schedule because I can’t put it down!!! I read a lot, but let me tell you: I have not been SO shocked by the twist in a book in YEARS. I feel like I’m never gonna get over this one. Trigger Warning that it is COVID-centric, but as someone who has been traumatized by the pandemic in many ways, I’m sure you can probably handle it, too.

That’s all for this week! I am (unsurprisingly) writing this at 9:07pm on Sunday night because I just remembered this was something I sort-of-half-committed-to 😅

love, jak