Anyone else starting to feel like they’re going to come out of this thing a poor, fat alcoholic that doesn’t remember how to socialize with other people? It can’t be just me. Nearly three weeks into quarantine/ social distancing and things are starting to get a bit old… Everyday is like groundhogs day. I feel like I’m in a constant cycle of waking up, showering, getting somewhat ready, eating, random activity, eating, eating, random activity, get ready for bed, sleep. Repeat. The days started to blur together a long time ago. But we are getting through it, even if it is just one day at a time. And even if March seems like it’s lasted a lifetime. We’re doing it. The one bit of comfort I find in this mess is that everyone is in this together. We’re all feeling the same feelings and living the same hellish days. Finding happiness tucked in little corners. There is a common ground amongst us all, and amongst the world right now. If nothing else, it helps to remember that.

On a positive note, I will say is that this time at home has given me the push to do the things I’ve felt like I never had time to do. Like learning to finger-coil my hair. Getting my Etsy store off the ground. Making recipes I’ve put on the back-burner for months. Co-founding a book club (let me know if you want to join!!) Catching up with friends. Learning to play poker! THIS BLOG. All of these things I always felt I would do “one day” are happening because I’m realizing that if I don’t do it now, when I have all the time in the world, I’m never going to do it. So here’s to doing all the things. And for “one day” being here and now.

So tell me, how are you doing? What are you doing to keep busy? What are you reading/watching/making? What are you eating? What’s making you happy? What things are you doing that you’ve put off in the past? What is it like where you are in the world? Tell me everything!

Sending good vibes and virtual hugs.

with love, JAK